T.O.S Type

Nebula Animations Standard License v1.0

This work is licensed under the Nebula Animations Standard License v1.0. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the asset under the following conditions:

1. Attribution

You must give appropriate credit to Nebula Animations for the original asset. If you distribute the asset, you must clearly indicate the changes you made, if any, and provide a link to the original asset. Credit and changes made are not required for commissioned assets.

2. Commercial Use

The asset can be used for personal or commercial purposes, but only as part of a larger project or work. Standalone resale or distribution of the original asset, or its unmodified form, is not allowed.

3. Built Upon

Any commercial or personal use of the asset must involve substantial modifications and additions to the original work. Mere aggregation or minor modifications are not sufficient to comply with this requirement.

4. Quest Compatibility

This item is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. You should not buy this if you do not have a PC.

5. File Sharing

By purchasing this product, you agree to NOT share the files with anyone who has not also purchased the product. Sharing the files with non-license holders is strictly prohibited.

6. Commissions

You are allowed to commission or take commissions for putting the asset on an avatar. However, all parties involved, including the commissioner and the recipients of the avatar, must have purchased a valid license to the asset and adhere to the terms of this license. Redistribution of the asset to non-license holders is strictly prohibited.

7. Public Avatars

You are allowed to make public avatars using the asset, but direct sharing of the files is not permitted. Users who wish to use the asset in their avatars must obtain their own license and follow the terms and conditions.

8. Disclaimer of Responsibility

I am not responsible for you breaking your avatar if you import the asset wrong, it is advised you take a backup of your avatar before attempting to install it.

This Nebula Animations Standard License v1.0 is granted on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or conditions, express or implied.© 2023, Nebula Animations. All rights reserved.

Nebula Animations Design License v1.0

This work is licensed under the Nebula Animations Design License v1.0. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the asset under the following conditions:

1. Scope of Work

1.1 The designer agrees to provide graphic design services as outlined in the project proposal or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties.1.2 Any changes to the scope of work must be agreed upon in writing by both the client and the designer.

2. Payment

2.1 The client agrees to pay the designer the agreed-upon fee for the graphic design services.2.2 A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total fee is required before work commences. The remaining balance is due upon completion of the project.2.3 Late payments may be subject to a 15% late fee.

3. Ownership and Usage Rights

3.1 Upon full payment, the client will have full ownership of the final design for the intended use outlined in the project agreement.3.2 The designer retains the right to showcase the work in their portfolio and marketing materials. Unless otherwise specified by an NDA or other written contract, agreed upon by both parties prior to work beginning.

4. Revisions

4.1 The client is entitled to 5 rounds of revisions during the design process. Additional revisions may be subject to an additional fee.4.2 Major changes to the original project scope may incur extra charges.

5. Project Timeline

5.1 Both parties agree to adhere to the agreed-upon project timeline. Delays caused by the client may result in adjustments to the project timeline.

6. Termination

6.1 Either party may terminate the agreement with written notice if the other party breaches any material term of the agreement.6.2 In the event of termination, the client will be responsible for payment for all work completed up to the termination date.

7. Liability

7.1 The designer is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of the design work, whether direct, indirect, or consequential.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1 This agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the client and the designer.8.2 Amendments to this agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties.

© 2023, Nebula Animations. All rights reserved.

Nebula Animations Commission License v1.0

This work is licensed under the Nebula Animations Commission License v1.0. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the asset under the following conditions:

1. Attribution

You are not required to give credit to Nebula Animations for commissioned assets, nor indicate any changes made. However, if you choose to provide credit, it would be appreciated.

2. Commercial Use

The commissioned asset can be used for personal or commercial purposes, but only as part of a larger project or work. Standalone resale or distribution of the original commissioned asset, or its unmodified form, is not allowed.

3. Built Upon

Any commercial or personal use of the commissioned asset must involve substantial modifications and additions to the original work. Mere aggregation or minor modifications are not sufficient to comply with this requirement.

4. Quest Compatibility

This item is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. You should not buy this if you do not have a PC.

5. File Sharing

By purchasing this product, you agree to NOT share the files with anyone who has not also purchased the product. Sharing the files with non-license holders is strictly prohibited.

6. Commissions

You are allowed to commission or take commissions for using the asset in another work. However, the recipient of the final commissioned work must understand that they are not granted a license to the original asset and cannot further distribute it.

7. Public Avatars

Public avatars cannot be created using the commissioned asset. Users who wish to use the asset in their avatars must obtain their own commissioned asset license and follow the terms and conditions.

8. Disclaimer of Responsibility

I am not responsible for you breaking your avatar if you import the asset wrong, it is advised you take a backup of your avatar before attempting to install it.

This Nebula Animations Commission License v1.0 is granted on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or conditions, express or implied.© 2023, Nebula Animations. All rights reserved.

Magic Decal V2 License

This work is licensed under the Magic Decal V2 License:

1. Attribution

You must give appropriate credit to Nebula Animations for the original asset.

2. Commercial Use

You may use Magic Decal V2 in any commercial or personal asset, however you may not distribute Magic Decal with it. Separate user purchase is required as described in Section 3. Standalone resale or distribution of the original asset, or its unmodified form, is not allowed.

3. Built Upon

Any asset created that uses Magic Decal is not permitted to include Magic Decal in the download files. Should you want to use Magic Decal in a project, it must be purchased separately on a per-user basis.

4. Quest Compatibility

This item is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. You should not buy this if you do not have a PC.

5. File Sharing

By purchasing this product, you agree to NOT share the files with anyone who has not also purchased the product. Sharing the files with non-license holders is strictly prohibited.

* You can verify a user has purchased the asset via my Discord.

6. Commissions

You are allowed to commission or take commissions for putting the asset on an avatar. However, all parties involved, including the commissioner and the recipients of the avatar, must have purchased a valid license to the asset and adhere to the terms of this license. Redistribution of the asset to non-license holders is strictly prohibited.

7. Public Avatars

You are allowed to make public avatars using the asset, but direct sharing of the files is not permitted. Users who wish to use the asset in their avatars must obtain their own license and follow the terms and conditions.

8. Disclaimer of Responsibility

I am not responsible for you breaking your avatar if you import the asset wrong, it is advised you take a backup of your avatar before attempting to install it.

This Magic Decal V2 License is granted on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or conditions, express or implied.© 2024, Nebula Animations. All rights reserved.

Magic Decal V2 Commercial License

This work is licensed under the Magic Decal V2 Commercial License:

1. Attribution

You must give appropriate credit to Nebula Animations for the original asset.

2. Commercial Use

You may use Magic Decal V2 in any commercial or personal asset. Standalone resale or distribution of the original asset, or its unmodified form, is not allowed.

3. Quest Compatibility

This item is NOT QUEST COMPATIBLE. You should not buy this if you do not have a PC.

4. File Sharing

The commercial license comes with 1 seat per purchase. Should you be in a team or studio, a separate purchase is required for each user. You can reach out to me on Discord at: NebulaAnimations for more details.

6. Commissions

When a client orders a commission from an artist, the artist must own a commercial license or both the client and artist must own personal licenses. When sending the completed commission to the client under a commercial license, the licence attached to the commissioned piece falls under the standard non-commercial licence terms.

Standard terms: Magic Decal Standard Terms

7. Public Avatars

You are allowed to make public avatars using the asset, but direct sharing of the files is not permitted. Users who wish to use the asset in their avatars must obtain their own license and follow the terms and conditions.

8. Disclaimer of Responsibility

I am not responsible for you breaking your avatar if you import the asset wrong, it is advised you take a backup of your avatar before attempting to install it.

This Magic Decal V2 Commercial License is granted on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or conditions, express or implied.© 2024, Nebula Animations. All rights reserved.